Employee Record System in C using File Handling

Employee Record System in C

Here you will get the program code of Employee Record System in C using File Handling.

Employee Record System in C using File Handling


1. Add Records

2. List Records

3. Modify Records

4. Delete  Records

0. Exit

Your choice 1

 Enter name, age and basic sal

 SAM 23 8000

 Add another record(Y/N)n

                         1. Add Records

                         2. List Records

                         3. Modify Records

                         4. Delete  Records

                          0. Exit

                          Your choice 2


 SAM 23 8000

                         1. Add Records

                         2. List Records

                         3. Modify Records

                         4. Delete  Records

                          0. Exit

                          Your choice 0



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