Sum of n Natural Numbers in C

Sum of n Natural Numbers in C

Here you will learn about the natural numbers and get the program code to calculate Sum of n Natural Numbers in c programming. We will create this program by using 5 different ways with loops, functions, and recursion in C Programming.

What is Natural Number?

A natural number is any positive integer, or whole number, greater than zero. for examples :- 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6…… and so on.

sum of n natural numbers in c


Sum of n Natural Numbers Formula?

sum = n(n+1)/2

where n is number of terms

For example:

sum = 10(10+1)/2

sum = 10(11)/2

sum = 55


 Different 5 Ways to find Sum of n Natural Numbers in C

Here, we will do this program using 5 different ways like using while loop, do-while loop, for loop, functions, and  recursion.

Using while loop


natural sumber sum


Using do while loop


natural sumber sum


Using for loop


natural sumber sum


Using functions


natural sumber sum


Using recursion


natural sumber sum




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