Linear Search in C

Linear Search in C

Here you will learn Linear Search algorithm and example code of Linear Search in C programming by using Array, functions, pointers, and recursion.


What is Linear Search in C?

Linear search in C is a search algorithm that sequentially checks each element of an array or list until a matching element is found or the end of the list is reached. Linear search is also known as sequentially search or naive search. It is a simple but inefficient search algorithm, as it requires a number of steps proportional to the size of the list.

Linear Search in C


Scope of Linear Search in C

Linear search is a way to search an specified item from an items list. It continuously checks each element from the list until a searched item is found, or end the list.

The scope of linear search in C is to search a list of elements for a specified item and return the index position of the item, or -1 if the item is not found.


Flowchart of Linear Search

DFD of Linear Search in C


Different Ways to Program Linear Search



Linear Search using Array in C


Linear Search using Array in C



Linear Search using Function in C 


Linear Search using Function in C 


Linear Search using Pointers in C


Linear Search using Pointers in C



Linear Search using Recursion in C


Element 57 found at index 3



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Binary Search

Insertion Sort

Quick Sort

Merge Sort




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