Addition of Two Numbers in Java by User Input

Addition of Two Numbers by User Input

Here, you will learn to program Addition of two numbers in Java by user input. This program enables the user to adding two numbers in java by using 3 different methods.

1. using command line arguments.

2. using Scanner Class

3. using Buffered readers

Addition of two Numbers in Java using Command Line Arguments

This program enables the user to adding two numbers in java using command line arguments.


Addition of Two Numbers in Java


Addition of two Numbers in Java using Scanner

Let’s do the Sum of Two Numbers program by using scanner class, to get input from the user.



C:\CodeRevise\java>java AdditionWithScanner

Enter the value of a and b
7 9
Addition of 7 and 9 is = 16


Addition of two Numbers in Java using Buffered readers

Let’s do the Sum of Two Numbers program by using Buffered Reader, to get input from the user.



C:\CodeRevise\java>java additionByBR
Enter two numbers : 12
SUM = 46



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