C program to find Total Surface Area of Sphere

Find Total Surface Area of Sphere

In this example, you will get and learn the program code to find the Total Surface Area of Sphere in c programming.

What is Sphere

A sphere is a rounded three-dimensional shape, like a football. It is the shape of a perfectly round object in three-dimensional space, such as a globe or a bubble.

A sphere is a three-dimensional object. It has surface area and volume.

Total Surface Area of Sphere


Total Surface Area of Sphere Formula

Surface Area of Sphere = 4πr2

Surface Area of Sphere


Step 1:  Input  the radius of sphere.

Step 2:  Calculate the surface area of sphere using the formula  4*3.14*r*r.

Step 3:  Print the surface area of sphere

Example code of Total Surface Area of a Sphere


Enter radius of sphere : 5
Surface area of Sphere = 314.200012




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