C program to perform Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution

Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution

Here you will learn program code to Implement Knapsack Problem using greedy solution in C programming language.


What is Knapsack Problem in DAA

The Knapsack Problem is like packing a bag with limited space. You have items with weights and values and a bag with a weight limit. Your goal is to choose the items that fit in the bag while maximizing their total value.

There are different versions: 0/1 (items go in or stay out), Fractional (you can take parts of items), and Multiple (many bags). It’s used in data analysis and other areas where you need to make the best choices with limited resources, like picking investments for maximum profit or selecting tasks within a time frame. It’s a tricky problem to solve efficiently.


C program to perform Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution


c program Knapsack Problem using Greedy Solution



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