Loops in C with Examples

Loops in C with Examples

Here you will learn the different Loops in C with Examples. In this tutorial, we will explain all the different types of loops with details and examples in C programming language.


Loops in C with Examples


What are the loops in C

Loop is a technique that is used to repeat the set of instructions multiple times until a certain condition is met.



How many loops are there in C?

There are three basic types of loops available in C programming.

1.  for loop

2.  while loop

3.  do-while loop



For Loop in C

The for loop is the most commonly used loop in C. It is used to execute a set of statements a certain number of times. The syntax of the for loop is:


The initialization statement is used to set the initial value of the loop variable.

The condition statement is used to check for the loop termination condition.

The increment/decrement statement is used to update the loop variable.



for loop example in C


For Loop in C output



while Loops in C

The while loops in c is used to execute a set of statements until a certain condition is met. The syntax of the while loop is:




while loop example in C

while Loops in C output picture




do while Loops in C

The do while loop is similar to the while loop but differs in that the loop body is always executed at least once. The syntax of the dowhile loop is:




do while loop example in C

do while Loops in C output picture



Difference between while and do while loops in C

The differences are given in the following table :-

while loopdo while loop
⮞ The main difference between while and do-while loops is that while loops test the condition before executing the loop body.⮞ do-while loops execute the loop body once before testing the condition.
while loop will execute its body as long as the condition remains true,⮞ do-while loop will execute its body at least once, and then keep executing as long as the condition remains true.


Loop examples

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