Below is a collection of simple PL/SQL programs examples. These examples will assist you in understanding and practicing PL/SQL programming.
1. Basic introduction to PL/SQL
2. Hello World Program in PL/SQL
3. PL/SQL Program To Add Two Numbers
4. PL/SQL Program to Swap two Numbers
5. PL/SQL Program for even or odd number
6. PL/SQL Program to Find Factorial of a Number
7. PL/SQL Program to Print Table of a Number
8. PL/SQL Program for Reversing a Number
9. PL/SQL Program for Fibonacci Series
10. PL/SQL Program for Armstrong Number
11. PL/SQL Program to print odd numbers using for loop
12. PL/SQL Program to Reverse a String
13. PL/SQL Program for Palindrome String
14. PL/SQL Program for Palindrome Number
15. PL/SQL Program for Prime Number
16. PL/SQL Program to print prime numbers from 1 to 100
17. PL/SQL Program to Find largest of 3 numbers
18. PL/SQL Program to add two numbers using function
19. PL/SQL Program to Print Patterns
20. PL/SQL Program to find factorial of a number using function
21. How to run pl/sql program using notepad
22. PL/SQL Calculate the Area of a Circle
More PL/SQL programs examples will be added soon……
⇒ Read PL/SQL Tutorial with examples