C program to Implement N Queens Problem using Backtracking

Implement N Queens Problem using Backtracking

Here you will learn to implement n queens problem using backtracking in C programming.


Define n queens problem

In the n Queens problem, N chess queens have to be placed on an NxN chessboard so they cannot attack each other. This n Queens problem can be solved by the backtracking algorithm.

The backtracking algorithm works by starting with an empty chessboard and then trying to place a queen on each row. For each row, it tries each of the N columns in turn.

  • If the column is valid (It cannot be attacked by another queen.), then the queen is placed and the algorithm moves to the next row.
  • If the column is invalid, the algorithm returns to the previous row and attempts the next column. This process repeated until a solution is not found.

When the solution found, the algorithm states out the positions of the n queens on the chessboard.


C program to Implement N Queens Problem using Backtracking


implement n queen problem using backtracking



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